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Decluttering your home with Harrisons Interior Designer, Anita Shirley

Everyone wants an organised home, but the thought of decluttering can be daunting.

Whether you’re a family of ten, a couple or flatting with friends, here are my tips to help you achieve your decluttering goals.

Baby Steps

The key when decluttering is not to overwhelm yourself. Start small, e.g., bathroom draws and don’t move on until it is complete. Rome was not born in a day.

Group like with like

Pens close to the shopping list. Gumboot box by the back door. Lunch boxes are stored with drink bottles. It's not about perfection it’s about grouping items that make sense together.

You will need 4 boxes:

1. Donation Box - This box is for those items which are too good for the rubbish but no longer work for your lifestyle. Once the box is full, take it to your local op shop or a favourite charity.

2. Miscellaneous box - This box will hold old chargers & chords, self-portraits your children drew and other items with sentimental value.

3. Maybe Box - If you struggle to part with things (dresses that are too small, outdated shoes and handbags) put them in the maybe box and re-evaluate in a year.

4. Rubbish Box - This is for all the broken toys, ugly Christmas decorations, jars, newspapers, magazines, damaged books, plastic bottles and containers without lids.

Then, let’s get into it!:


Empty all the contents from the drawers and cabinets. Clean out all that loose rubbish and old makeup residue. Now, go through all the products, checking expiry dates as you go.


Take everything out of the wardrobe and return each piece individually. Hold each piece, and think about how often you wear it and how much space it takes up. If you haven’t worn it for 2 years (including accessories), it’s time to let go!

Kids Rooms

Children’s bedrooms seem the most daunting, but they don’t have to be. Decide what toys your children can’t live without and which have been neglected for the past year.

This is also a great time to photograph your children’s school reports & artwork and store on Google Drive.


Start with the pantry, pulling everything out to wipe the cupboards and surfaces clean. Throw out expired spices, jams etc. Allocate a section for baking, school snacks and so on. Bin anything with chips or cracks.

Communal spaces

The lounge and family room tend to hold items from other rooms. So, apply all the knowledge above and remember, your boxes are your best friends.

Garage and Laundry

Storage is a must in the garage, and hang as much as you can. So often, people forget to use the walls which are perfect for hanging tools, ladders and bikes.

Take unwanted paint/empty paint containers to your local Resene Color Shop, and they will dispose of them responsibly.

Mobilize the troops:

Lastly, don't make this a solo mission! Delegate a section to each member of the household and bribe with chocolate if need be.

Now's a perfect time clear clutter and, as a result, clear your mind as well.

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